Lotto Dictionary

Lotto Dictionary A definitive guide with the most updated lotto definitions and terms A Additional Number - Powerball is a good example of a lottery game that features an additional number. This additional number allows lottery players to win additional prizes if they choose this option. The additional number feature usually costs an extra fee. Alerts - These days lotto players can have instant emails or messages sent to their computer or cell phone when their chosen lottery results are posted or other lottery related happenings. Annuity - Some lotteries with large jackpots payout the jackpot winners over the course of twenty to thirty years. This type of payout is called an annuity payout as opposed to a lump sum payment. Any Order - Any order is a betting style that is the same thing as a box bet This bet style allows players to match the winning lotto numbers in any order Agent - A retail outlet for lottery tickets. Annuity - It is like a mortgage. Lot...