Strategies For Winning the Lottery Using HOT And COLD Numbers!

Strategies For Winning the Lottery Using HOT And COLD Numbers! By Elena King On May 10, 2012 Have you ever wondered if there are strategies for winning the lottery? The answer is yes, there ARE such strategies. So what are the strategies for winning the lottery? What are the theories behind the glorious win? Before we proceed, I must stress the importance of you having a stop-loss mechanism. Cutting loss is saving money. If you are able to save money, this is a victory in a way as it means you lose less, and "gain" more indirectly. It is undeniable that lottery is a "dangerous" game if you do not know how to play the game well. Just like any gamble, you have every chance to lose money in a lottery game. As such, it is important that you know when to cut the loss and stop playing when your loss exceeds a certain limit. Bearing the stop-loss mechanism in mind, here are the 2 main strategies for winning the lottery that you must know. #1 Buy Hot Number...