Scratch-off players play smarter not harder

We all know as lotto players that scratch-off games has better odds than most of the online games.  Except for pick 3, 4, and 5 games which has lower odds. So what do I prefer the games with lesser odds that gives the player a greater chance to win. Here we will discuss ways to increase your chances of winning at scratch off games. 

The unique feature about scratch-off games is that the odds doesn't stay the same like online games. As scratch cards are bought the odds are going to change this is the best part about scratchers. Now you must be thinking How can I take advantage of this well for one you can try to figure out for yourself or you can find tools that can assist you in this endeavor. 

Luckily there are tools for this particular problem you can use these tools to decide which tickets you should buy and which ones to stay away from.
 This is a paid service which analyzes state lotteries scratch-off data and gives you updated reports for the best games to play every week. It cost $9.99 for 3 months and $19.97 for a year subscription. service is 100% free. This system  pick the best scratcher based on prizes left in the game! Now you can know which scratch-off cards has what-prizes remaining and the best thing is that it increases your chances of winning!


Scratch-Off Guide apps are apps created for different state lotteries to assist a player in finding what scratch off tickets have the most jackpots left in that game. This is a wonderful app to have on your smartphone. You can find this app on Google Play Store.

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