Using subliminal messages to pick winning lottery numbers

Using subliminal messages to pick  winning lottery numbers

With lotteries such as Mega Millions and PowerBall reaching astronomical heights, we need alternative ways to increase our chances of winning the lottery. So, I searched for novel ways to pick or select my lottery numbers and stumbled upon subliminal messages. I thought that since there is no logic in games of chance that I would look into using this tactic in my quest to win the jackpot with the help of subliminal messages. 

To experience results quickly, I highly recommend listening to a booster and blockage remover or a flush recording first. That you can find on YouTube, then use winning the lottery recording below. However, a subliminal flush means that you are attempting to remove negative thoughts and patterns that you have absorbed consciously or unconsciously in the past. 

Also, remember to be patient and give it time. It’s easy for your subconscious mind to be influenced by your surroundings, which more often than not affects your subconscious in a negative way.
Here's what this technology can do for you
  • Increase your chances of winning the lottery with help from the mind-expanding subliminal messages.
  • Increase your intuition for picking winning numbers and allow those numbers to come naturally to you.
  • Focus on winning the lottery and put thoughts in your mind that you have already won.
How long does a subliminal take to work?

You may see results within a couple days, or several months, it really depends on the person using subliminal. As a rule, it may take 21 to 30 days to make lasting changes to your subconscious. It will also depend on the person's resistance to change. You have to truly desire what you are seeking and if it is right for you. To reprogram your subconscious mind, it takes repetition.

One reason why some people fail to use subliminal messages is that they do not listen to them every day. Consistency is very important. You must not skip days, which most people do, and then say they don’t work. The subconscious mind learns by repetition.

Instructions: What you will need

Make sure you're drinking enough water so you won't feel thirst and you have eaten enough so you won't be distracted.  
  • Headphones are recommended. 
  • Find a quiet, calm place with no distractions.
  • Listen at a low and comfortable volume
  • Visualize attracting winning lottery numbers.
  • Listen at least 3 times every day for the next 1-3 months or until you get the results you desire.

When not to listen to the subliminal message

Even though subliminal messages are completely safe, do not listen in the following cases:
  • When doing tasks that require focus and attention 
  • In a moving vehicle
  • When operating heavy equipment
These affirmations will align your conscious and subconscious minds and this will unlock your intuitive ability to predict the winning lottery numbers.

Imagine what it would feel like to win the lottery, to be financially set and stress-free knowing you can take care of yourself and your family for the rest of your life. 

Using subliminal messages to pick  winning lottery numbers
It’s important that you imagine this and visualize what it would feel like to win the lottery and live the life of your dreams. 
This would help to program deep beliefs into your subconscious mind and ensure you have the mindset for attracting massive luck.

We are all interested in winning the lottery. Here is a subliminal recording to assist you in your attempt to win the lottery. Hopefully, one day you will wake up and go to your corner store and buy a lottery ticket, select the numbers and win.

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